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Enhanced by more than 6 years of playing experience on fantasy premier league game, the author is here to share you the invaluable gaming experience and help you to enjoy the most from this fantasy game! I'll keep you updated with the tips from top fantasy blog writers as well as contributing a bit of my own ideas. Wish you the best on this fantasy game!

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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

FPL2011/12 GW20

This is embarrassing. I had very points for gw18 and gw19. It also means that my strategy to count on top defenders back-fired. my choices over the period, which is terry, jones, vermaelen, evans, richards, all got injured. In the end i have to waste more points to change them all. It's a failure.

but moving to gw20 it finally works. Man City and Tottenham both got clean sheet, means I get pretty good points for my defenders.

these few weeks also saw the middle team start to get better. might be good to pick a few players from them.

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